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Monday, June 30, 2008

Hospital Tour

Mike and I had a tour of the maternity ward of Good Samaritan Hospital this weekend. I was not impressed! The rooms are so tiny! They are currently renovating and updating but the new rooms that are ready are only for low-risk, non-C-section patients. So, obviously, I will not be in those rooms. The real kicker is that they have the Level 3 Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit. It's the best in the city. I can choose to deliver at Bethesda North but then the babies would only get the care of a Level 2 Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit.

Bottom line - we scheduled a tour at Bethesda North, but given the fact that I am having twins and most likely will be delivering prematurely...the best bet is Good Sam. I can stay in a tiny room if I know that the babies are getting the best possible care.

Warning to all family and friends: Not sure how many visitors I will be able to have in the room! And if the babies are in the NICU, only Mike and I and the grandparents are allowed to visit. :(

**Found out later that Bethesda North is actually a Level 3 NICU as well! Whoo Hoo!

1 comment:

beercanchuck said...

When Landen was born Landen's moms room was so big that Landen's dad could spend the night with Landen.
Also Landen's aunts, uncles, cousins were able to visit Landen while Landen was in the hospital.
