We had our super 4D ultrasound day at the Becoming Mom spa with a gang of family in tow. They were able to show us some great pictures of the kids and it looks like the two already have different noses! Below is the video (approx 30 mins). The quality isn't the best having to put it online, but we can lend you the DVD if you would like. We will also post some still pictures captured during the session.
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
4D Super Ultra Sound
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
So I failed...
...the one hour glucose test and had to complete the three hour glucose test today. The test checks to see if you have gestational diabetes. Apparently, I am at higher risk for this because I am carrying two babies...something about two placentas doing something...I don't know, I tuned the nurse out because I was freaking out about drinking more of the nasty concoction they give you.
I made it through. They drew my blood at 8am, then I drank the 10 oz. of yuck. At 9:15, 10:15 and 11:15 they drew my blood again. I was worried I would get sick or pass out because I also was not allowed to eat for 12 hours before. Mom came and sat with me so I wasn't too bored. Then we went to Dewey's afterwards and pigged out! It was so good! I had not eaten since 9:00pm the night before so I could have eaten my own hand at that point.
Test results will be back tomorrow. If I have gestational diabetes I have to follow a strict diet and monitor my blood sugar every day. Other than that, I have not educated myself on other ramifications, etc. I am trying to not worry too much about it until I have to because chances are I won't need to at all!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mexican Jumping Beans!
I loved Mexican jumping beans when I was a kid...well, now I have two in my belly!
These girls are dancing and skipping constantly. I asked Mike the other day if he thought that babies could damage your internal organs from strong movement. He just laughed, but I was serious. Sometimes their movements make me yell, well, not really yell...but definitely make me let out a WHOA!
Feels like the little ladies are strong and that makes me happy...even if they are beating me up a little.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Baby Update!
We had an ultrasound today to check the growth of the babies and they are still right on schedule! Baby A is head down and facing my back. She was not very cooperative so we didn't get a picture of her. She weighs 1lb. 6oz. Baby B was happy to get pictures taken and we even saw her yawn on the screen! It was so adorable. She is head up and is weighing in at 1lb. 5oz.
I have a couple of pictures but they are not very clear so I probably won't post them. August 30th we have our big 4D ultrasound, so I will wait until then to post the pictures and possibly the video from that ultrasound as well! Stay tuned!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sarah's Baby Shower!
A couple weekends ago we had Sarah's baby shower! Not too much longer and her baby boy will be here! She received a TON of stuff! It was so fun to catch up with old friends and family we had not seen in a long time! Here are some pictures of the event....
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Update on the girls!
I went to the doctor today for a normal check-up and everything looks great! The girl's heartbeats were strong and steady. I am measuring at 26 weeks (I am only 23 weeks), so that is only 3 weeks ahead which they say is right on schedule. My blood pressure was slightly high but nothing to worry about.
It's official, I've gained weight! As of my last appointment in July, I had only gained back the weight that I had lost from being so sick. As of today, I've gained 4 lbs. Not too bad for being 6 months pregnant. The doctors are fine with my weight gain because the babies are healthy and gaining weight right on schedule as well.
Next week we have another ultrasound and will continue on a schedule of ultrasounds every 4 weeks for growth scan purposes. I will also begin going to the doctor every 2 weeks for check ups because I am at such high risk for pre-term labor.
Then on top of all that, in 2 weeks I have to do the nasty glucose test. It's only nasty because you have to drink this bottle of orange junk. Hopefully I pass because if I fail....I have to do it AGAIN!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Baby Names Revelation!
We realize everyone is dying to know the girls names! We've had them named for awhile, one since before they were even thought of. It is difficult for us to keep this a secret because we want to refer to them by their names and cannot do so in front of others.
We also did not want to hear everyone's opinions about our name choices. Not to be mean or anything BUT naming a baby...or two, is more difficult than you can imagine. We've thought long and hard about these names and we are very happy with them!
So, here it goes....
The first twin born will be Brooklyn Elizabeth Stuart
The second twin born will be Marley Ryann Stuart (middle name subject to spelling change - stay tuned for a poll to vote!)
Marley is a name we've loved for years. Daddy had a giant poster of Bob Marley in his bedroom in college and we just always thought that would be an awesome little girl's name. Ryann - well, we think it goes nicely with Marley. Mike's initials are MRS and Marley's will be the same! Too cute! The second name was a harder choice. Brooklyn has no special meaning behind it or anything...it is just a unique, cute name we love. It does have my middle name built into it though (Lynn), but that has nothing to do with why we chose it. Elizabeth, of course, is after my sister, Sarah Elizabeth - a tradition in my family!
We decided against anything that rhymed, or began with the same letter. We figure they are fraternal and could be as different as night and day. They've shared a womb for 9 months and will continue to share many other things in their lives. At least their names will be their own!
We cannot wait for Brooklyn and Marley to arrive! We only have approximately 13 weeks to go!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Stay tuned for a much anticipated announcement about the twin girls...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Baby Kegger = Huge Success
The first "baby shower" aka Baby Kegger was an amazing event thanks to the hard work and lavish preparations by Amy, Kristy, and Molly. If you weren't invited, don't worry - we probably felt you were far too civilized to attend this debaucherous excuse for a baby shower. There will be a traditional shower in September which will be much more pleasant. We received a load of great gifts from a gang of overly generous friends and family. Thanks to all who attended, planned, or passed out! Click the album cover below to check out some pictures.
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