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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mother's Day!

Just sharing some cute pics of the girls from Mother's Day in a web album! Enjoy!

Dora at the zoo

Ever since the girls were super tiny they have always loved Dora the Explorer. Dora was even one of Brooklyn's first words. Last weekend Dora came to visit the Cincinnati Zoo so we thought the girls would love to meet her....yeah, not exactly.

First of all, we had to wait 45 minutes in line to even get to you can see, little Doodle face was not so happy.

From far away, the were very excited and kept pointing and saying "Dora" over and over again.

But once we were up close, they totally freaked! It was worth it though for this priceless picture of Mike with the girls and Dora!

Butterfly Show

Brooklyn and Marley outside of Krohn Conservatory. Daddy was invited to a private event at the Butterfly Show! Boy did we love it! And yes, B may or may not be sending me a message with that little finger :)

Buzz is desperate for a butterfly to land on her flower!

Yay! One finally landed on Daddy! Marley even got to touch it.

Our little butterflies!

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