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Monday, September 29, 2008

Due Date

My poor is her due date and still no baby.  We are all trying to wait patiently, but it is so hard.  Much harder on her I am sure.  

She and I both go to the doctor again on Thursday. Sarah is hoping the doctors induce her on Friday.  I am hoping the doctors tell me the babies are staying put!

Monday, September 22, 2008

No change...

...which is exactly what we wanted.  My labor is not progressing and everything is stable for now.  The doctor said to keep doing what I am doing - NOTHING!  So, as much as it kills me, I will continue to follow my strict bed rest orders.

Some how I lost 6 lbs.  The nurse said it is most likely water weight.  I was a little swollen before bed rest and now I am not at all.  As long as I don't lose any more weight, they are not worried about it.  This brings my grand total of weight gain to a whole 6 lbs.

I also asked about going to see my sister in the hospital when her son is born, which can be any day now.  The doctor said I can go when I know for sure that she is about to deliver the baby.  I can't go in the middle of the night and lose sleep, or go and sit there all day and wait.  I have to take care of myself, but since I am stable, I can try to be there for his birth.  Hopefully, we can time this out carefully!!!  Fat chance!  That kid is coming when he wants to...not when me or my sister want him to!

Next appointment is next week!  Keep you all posted.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I went to the doctor yesterday for my normal 28 week check up and ultrasound.  Ultrasound was first and went well.  The babies are perfect!  Baby A is 2lbs. 10 oz. and baby B is 2lbs. 8 oz. They are doing very well! All looks wonderful.

I saw the dr. for another exam and that is when we discovered that I am 1cm. dilated.  I should not be dilated at all at this point, although it is not uncommon for multiple pregnancies.  The dr. said it is time for bed rest.  I am still in shock!  I knew it was coming because they told me to expect it around week 32, but this is a little early and so sudden.  

Bed rest means that I am very limited on activity.  No working.  No shopping or going out.  I am allowed to go to the bathroom, take a shower, make myself food....and that is about it.  No cleaning, nothing strenuous.  I have to keep my feet off the ground 95% of the time.  This is going to be extremely difficult to me as I still feel like I have a TON to do.  

For now, it is constant monitoring.  Dr. appts. every week to make sure I am not proceeding further.  The twins would be viable at this point, but they would struggle.  I am on shots of steroids to help the twin's lungs develop more rapidly and get stronger quickly.  My next appointment is on Monday.  I will keep everyone posted on my status and the girls!  Keep up in your thoughts and prayers.  We need to make it at least 4 more weeks!  October 13th is my goal!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Shower, Updates, Blackout 2008, Bedrest - WARNING....long post!

SHOWERWell, we made it through my shower on Saturday! It was wonderful and we got a lot more stuff for the girls. We are almost all set for their arrival....almost. I am not sure I will ever feel ready or feel like I have enough stuff.  I didn't take any pictures because I was so busy the whole time so I really do not have much to show.  It was a really fun time though!

BLACKOUTMike's mom and I were actually headed out on Sunday to return some duplicates and buy our stroller when the hurricane hit. That's right, our very own hurricane in the mid-west! It was pretty windy when we headed out and our first clue to turn around should have been the tree that was about to come down across the bridge in their driveway. When we did come back about 20 minutes later....this is what we found....

As Mike and his dad and the neighbors were working on this tree, we got word that the roof on the barn was coming off. Next up - dangerous roof repair in 75 mph winds! I did not take part in any of the cutting, sawing, removing of debris, etc. The winds were still strong and I was afraid of getting hit by something so I stayed at the house with the dogs.

While I was hanging with the dogs watching things swirl about, I heard a loud crack and then crash. I went to the back door to check out the surroundings and sure enough another tree fell in their back yard. Some how it did not crush the pool fence and missed the hot tub by inches! SO LUCKY!! The tree was going to be cut down anyway so it was not a loss. The strong winds lasted from about noon until 4 or 5 o'clock! Mike and I were afraid to go back to our house to find our damage!

Once we did get back to our place surprisingly, we had no damage to the house. Only lots of limbs down and a mess of leaves and debris. We were very lucky given our house being surrounded by very old trees!

The worst part of it all was that when the winds kicked up on Sunday afternoon the power went out and didn't come back on until very late Tuesday night for us. Others were lucky and had power a day or so earlier. I am just thankful that the babies were not here yet. That would have made the blackout even more difficult!

BED REST! - Yes, I am now on bedrest.  I will post an additional post with all the details and updates on the last dr. appt.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A new picture of Landen...FINALLY!

Below is a picture of my adorable 2nd cousin, Landen. Too cute! He looks like a porcelain doll! He is now a little over 5 months old. I can't believe it. He's growing so fast! I hope to see him this weekend at my shower.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The countdown to baby...

It is just a matter of time before I am an Auntie...again. I have 2 nieces on Mike's side of the family, but my sister is pregnant with my nephew and is about to give birth in the next couple of weeks! I'm just dying to meet the precious little boy! Meanwhile, this precious little boy is making my sister miserable. I just hope she makes it through my baby shower this weekend!

Sarah at 37 weeks, Me at 27 weeks

Sarah's poor, swollen, Fred Flintstone feet....

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Check up

I went to the doctor AGAIN today, feels like I am going ALL the time. Every two weeks is a lot, but necessary to make sure me and the babies stay healthy. Nothing new to report. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions, but the doctor says that is completely normal at this point and it is just my body telling me I am doing to much and to slow down. I wish it was that easy!

Gained 4 more pounds - in 2 weeks!!! It scares me to death, but the doctors are thrilled! Heart beats are good, both are now head down, and moving around a lot! She also checked my cervix for the first time...let me just say, that was a little uncomfortable. The good news is that it is closed, keeping the girls safely in the womb.
