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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

34 weeks update

Well, I am now 3cm. No other change. I am learning that the dilation really means nothing. I need my water to break or to go into more active labor for anything to happen earlier than 38 weeks (the doctor told me that only 6% of women pregnant with twins make it to 38 weeks). I am not pushing it too much right now because I'd prefer to get to 36 weeks anyway - the babies are considered full-term at that point. I am sore and tired and sore...but okay. Next week I get a final ultrasound to check their growth one more time. I am hoping they are 5lbs. each!

26 more days....26 more the most!  

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

33 weeks update

My doctor appointment today was even more uneventful than normal.  Zero change for me!  The girls have strong heart beats so they are just fine as well.  I can now ease up on my bed rest restrictions but honestly, I am so uncomfortable and sore that I am not sure how much I can really do now anyway.  At least I can go and see my sister and Lucas and do things around the house and not feel guilty about it.

Oh, and when she was checking me...she said she felt a head!  No wonder I feel like a baby might fall out of me at anytime!

Next appointment is next Wednesday!  

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Lucas - 2 weeks old

Lucas loves his mommy..that is who he was looking at in this picture.

He also loves Gi Gi's leather couch for some reason.

In general, he is very alert and happy.  Sarah says he does not like getting a bath, but what little boy does? That is probably a battle she will fight until he has interest in girls....

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Weekly doctor appointment - 32 weeks

We have a date for my c-section...11.24.08.  That is 38 weeks for me.  I seriously doubt that I will make it that far, actually, I am not planning on it at all.  I'd like to deliver a week or two before that. 11.24 is the Monday before Thanksgiving.  I love Thanksgiving!!!  This year a lot of family will be in town and I really do not want to miss it or feel like crap that day.  We will see...I am just taking it week by week at this point.

No change for me, which is good.  Still 2cm and 75% effaced.  I feel okay.  Slightly more uncomfortable as the days go on, but that is to be expected.

The girls are getting big!  Baby A is 3lbs. 15oz. and is now breech.  Baby B is 3lbs. 10oz.  I cannot for the life of me figure out how they still have room to flip around in there but at my last ultrasound they were both head down.  The weird thing is I feel them moving all the time. You would think if one flipped upside down that I would feel that specifically.  Not at all!

The doctor reassured me that if they were born today that they would be absolutely fine.  They wouldn't come home with us but they would be okay.  She said give them 2 more weeks or so and they will be good to go.  So, after I get to 34 weeks...I'm going to start running marathons, cleaning, etc. to get my labor going.  I refuse to give birth the week of Thanksgiving!!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Weekly doctor appointment update - 31 weeks

My doctor visit today was pretty uneventful.  I am now 2cm. and 70% effaced.  Slowly progressing. She was not worried about my status as I am getting further into safe gestational age for birth.  My blood pressure was high but I am pretty sure it is from not being able to breathe from the walk into the office.  The girls take up so much room now that it is actually hard for me to breathe normally. Since I didn't really gain any weight and I am not swollen (other signs of pre-eclampsia) she was not worried about the blood pressure.  So, it is continued bedrest and praying that I can get through a few more weeks.  If I can get to 36 weeks, the girls will most likely go home with us.  If I only get to 34, it is about a week stay in the NICU for them.  34-36 weeks I am comfortable with but no earlier than that!  

Stay put little ones!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Lucas William Burke is here!

That's right folks, Lucas finally arrived. Here are the stats: Born Saturday, October 4 at 3:15pm. He weighed 9lbs. 3 oz. and was as healthy as can be!

Sarah was amazing. She was induced at 3am. Had an epidural around 7am. Started pushing at 1pm. She was doing awesome until they let the epidural wear off. That was a little too much pain and she was having trouble breathing well enough to push. Once the gave her more pain meds she was set to go...but Lucas was not. That stubborn little boy who already made us wait so long to meet him, was not cooperating. The doctor gave my sister two options. One, c-section. Two, try pushing again with the additional help of forceps. Well, with the aid of the forceps a few moments later out came Lucas. He looks just like his daddy, but he does have the same nose my sister, brother and I all do!

Sarah, Lucas and Marty are all doing great - happy, healthy, and tired.

I am thankful that I was there for the birth but I am exhausted. I cannot even imagine how my sister feels. All I know is that I am filled with happiness for the new family and so excited to be an Auntie! Enjoy the pictures!

click on this album to view more pics of Lucas!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October babies?

So, first, an update on my sister.  She is now 3 cm. dilated and 90% effaced.  The doctor "stripped her membranes" and will induce her labor if she doesn't go on her own Saturday morning at 3am.  Why 3am?  Who knows....her choice was 3am or 5pm.  She went with the earlier, of course.  

My labor is progressing a little.  My cervix is now softening in addition to my 1cm. of dilation.  Again, nothing to get too worried about, but the doctor did say I could possibly have October babies.  She thinks I should have no problem getting to 32 weeks, given I am 30 and half today.  We have an ultrasound scheduled then as well so we can check out the weight and size of the babies again to assure us if they are ready or not.  Any further I can get past 32 weeks is just less and less time they will spend in the NICU.  

My new personal goal is 34 weeks.  At least!  So, it is bedrest, watching tv, doing crosswords, playing wii, etc. for me.  I am trying to hang in there, although the boredom compounds everyday.
