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Thursday, October 9, 2008

Weekly doctor appointment update - 31 weeks

My doctor visit today was pretty uneventful.  I am now 2cm. and 70% effaced.  Slowly progressing. She was not worried about my status as I am getting further into safe gestational age for birth.  My blood pressure was high but I am pretty sure it is from not being able to breathe from the walk into the office.  The girls take up so much room now that it is actually hard for me to breathe normally. Since I didn't really gain any weight and I am not swollen (other signs of pre-eclampsia) she was not worried about the blood pressure.  So, it is continued bedrest and praying that I can get through a few more weeks.  If I can get to 36 weeks, the girls will most likely go home with us.  If I only get to 34, it is about a week stay in the NICU for them.  34-36 weeks I am comfortable with but no earlier than that!  

Stay put little ones!


Katie said...

Good to hear! We want them to stay put for awhile too! I can't imagine how out of breath you must be. I was about to pass out walking back to work from Fountain Square at lunch and I only have one in there!


beercanchuck said...

I get winded when I type and I'm not carrying around any babies.
