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Monday, May 25, 2009

Emily and Megan are here for the summer!

Our nieces, Emily and Megan, are staying in Cincinnati with us all summer! They currently live in Alaska but mom is in Afghanistan and dad is going to Guam for the summer. They will mostly stay at Papa and Grams house but I am sure we will have them at our house a lot too! Emily is almost 8 and she is going to be a big help with the twins. Megan is 3 and also loves to play with the babies. This is going to be one fun summer!

Emily and Megan meeting Brooklyn and Marley for the first time!

Marley riding Spanky for the first time.

Brooklyn checking Spanky out.

The girls sitting on Papa's John Deere tractor!

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Road trip!

We did it! The girls went on their first car trip to Memphis and it was successful! They were great in the car and we only stopped twice each way. Lucas did great for my sister as well.

We headed to Memphis over Memorial Day weekend to visit family and celebrate Aunt Nina's 90th birthday. We got to spend time with family that we do not get to see very often. It was so much fun! The day of the birthday party was a bit over whelming for the girls but we spent several hours eating and catching up. Hopefully we can do it again so once the girls are a little older.

The neatest thing we saw was a street named with the girl's birth date! How cool is that?! Pictures are below of the girls in their party dress and the street sign.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My first Mother's Day! Girls first Reds game!

Well, this was my first official Mother's Day - and what a great day it was! We went to the cemetery in the morning, our normal tradition, but this time added in taking pictures of the next generation on the large stone chairs and by the lake. Both of these places are where we would play when we were little and came to visit grandparents grave sites.

Later, we took the girls to their first Reds game. We are always quite the spectacle when we go out and the Reds game was no exception. Mike and I each carried a baby in the carrier strapped to us, so the girls were very noticeable. So much so in fact that we ended up on the jumbo tron. After their 10 seconds of fame we went to grab a bite to eat and everyone kept pointing at saying, "Look there are the twins from the screen!" or "Were you on the jumbo tron?" We felt famous!

It was a beautiful day and we took lots of pictures which are in web albums below. I am so happy to finally be a mother. It is everything I expected it to be and more!

Monday, May 4, 2009

First Zoo Trip

This past weekend my sister and I decided to take the munchkins to the zoo for the first time. It was a beautiful day! Thank goodness it was relatively cool out because I had to push my giant bus of a stroller through the nearly all uphill Cincinnati Zoo. Most of the time doing it while having one of the girls strapped to me in their carrier! Needless to say Mama got a workout!

The highlight was the babies feeding the giraffes. We put a wafer in each kids hand and they gave them to the giraffe. I am not sure what they thought about it but the pictures were cute. Marley's favorite part was the train ride. I have never seen her that excited before. Brooklyn slept most of the time. Lucas liked just about everything. He was a little more observant than the girls were. We have zoo passes now so hopefully as the summer goes on the girls will like the zoo more and more!

Check out the web album below...
