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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tea Party

The girls had their first ever tea party - and what a tea party it was! We went and met a few friends at the BonBonerie in Hyde Park for tea and scones! Yum! Brooklyn and Marley got all dressed up and even wore pearls. We had a good time and I can't wait to take them again when they are older and can really sit at the cute tables and even drink a little decaf tea!

Eating their pearls....

Milk is the new tea!

Mommy's special friends ~ my infertility support group.

Me and my ladies!
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's Skyline Time!

So, given that my little ones are from Cincinnati, we decided to get them started early on the "ways" of the city! My sister and I were meeting for dinner and we decided on Skyline. The girls have pretty much been eating everything we eat with a few exceptions so I thought that I could at least give them some noodles and cheese. Sarah informed me that she gave Lucas a baby 3-way already. They just put a spoonful of chili on the noodles and mix it up so that the noodles are coated with the chili. I thought, "Why not!"

Neither one of them have declined any food at all and the Skyline was no exception. They LOVED it!!! True Cincinnati ladies! Come to think of it, they have already had LaRosa's pizza too! Tomorrow I will have to double them up on fruits and veggies to cover what we missed today but I am glad that they like Skyline because this won't be the first time they eat it.

Brooklyn also chewed up a price tag that she pulled off some clothing at a store when Mommy wasn't looking (she was at the perfect level because she was in the stroller). That's a whole other story. ;)

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Lots of summer fun!

Just thought I would post a web album of the first half of the summer! We have been all over, doing all sorts of fun things. Now that I am done working for awhile we will be even more active. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

First Father's Day

While this post comes a little bit let, it is not a reflection on my first father's day went. We took the girls and Papa down to the Reds game. Unfortunately it was sweltering and our seats were very good and very exposed to the sun. We only lasted about an inning before we had to get the girls up into some shade. They had a blast though. I received wonderful presents including a commercial grade leaf vacuum/blower (this will be awesome in the fall), some UC clothing, and EA Active for the Wii. I feel really lucky to have two wonderful and healthy girls. I'm really looking forward to many more father's days with them.

Father's Day
