Hard to believe that last year at this time I was on bed rest and waiting for the birth of the girls....which wouldn't come for several more weeks.
Fast forward a several months and we are visiting the pumpkin patch with Aunt Sarah, Lucas and Gigi at nearly 11 months old. The girls loved it, although they were sleepy. Still...we had a lot of fun picking out pumpkins, eating ice cream, getting some apple cider, and taking LOTS of pictures. Link to the album is below. Enjoy!
Some of our really good friends had a little boy, Braedon, in January. The girls like to play with him - well, mostly stick their fingers in his mouth for some reason. Too cute! Braedon is 3 months younger than the girls but almost 10lbs heavier! Big boy, little girls.

So, maybe I am a terrible mom but this picture has a funny story to it. We were at the zoo the other day and we were having lunch. Marley got a little sleepy so I gave her a bottle and laid her down in the back seat of the stroller that lays all the way down flat. She woke up a bit later and I sat her up and we went on about our way. I was pushing the stroller around and kept getting strange looks...mind you, we always are stared at because of the twins. I finally check on the girls (who I couldn't see all that well because of their sun shades). Low and behold - Marley had fallen down in between the seats of the stroller and was basically riding along on the foot rest. I had to laugh. She was fine and actually seemed quite content. Since she was okay, I decided to take a picture. Still makes me giggle.
The girls also got to ride in their first grocery cart apparatus. They LOVED it! They were both giggling and cracking up the whole time. I had to take a deep breath and pretend that there wasn't any germs on that nasty thing. Gross! Brooklyn and Marley were not worried about germs and it kept them entertained and quiet in the grocery, which is just priceless!