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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Happy Holiday's from the soon to be big sisters!!!!!

Vintage Snowflakes Holiday
Make a statement with custom holiday cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Sooooo BIG!

Look at what a difference a year makes! Last year, Lucas was crying and Brooklyn was putting rocks in her mouth and this year, Marley was our crier! Can't believe how much they've grown!

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Summer has come and gone....

So, I have neglected to post a lot, eh- at all on the blog this summer but we have a great excuse. We were beyond busy!!!! This summer started with our first family vacation to Orange Beach, AL where my aunt lives. We had a fabulously relaxing vacation and cannot wait to get down there again. The girls enjoyed the sand....not so much the water. It was a little too rough for them. Over the summer though they really warmed up to the pool and began jumping in on their own free will.

Shortly after returning home from AL, we made the final decision to put our house on the market and buy a house that was owned by Mike's parents plus 6 acres of land. This is a BIG step for us in this economy. It will allow for one major thing in particular....I can stay at home with the girls permanently. We weren't quite sure how long we'd be able to manage on one income but once our house sells we will be fine. The new place also offers us much more room, added yard, plus the barn and horses are literally 50 feet from our front door. Fred's farm is adjacent to us as well. So, we are leaving the city for some semi-country living...with the all the city luxuries just down the street!

Uncle Bill and Amber were married in mid-August and we spent a long weekend in Gatlinburg for the wedding. We had so much fun playing with our cousins Landen and Riley. We hope to take another big family vacation to the beach very soon.

In the midst of all of this Emily and Megan, the girl's Stuart cousins, came to stay in Cincinnati too! They were here while their parents found a place for them to live in DC as they were leaving Alaska to move across the country. Brooklyn and Marley loved having them here and we did so many fun things - the zoo, Kings Island, splash parks, sleepovers. Everyone is excited to have them only 10 hours away instead of several days away. Hoping to see them more often. Brooklyn and Marley learned and grew so much while they were here....we also learned that Megan's name was not Megan, but in fact, Bacon....according to Brooklyn.

So much fun! So sad for it to come to an end! But we are moving on to lots of exciting things this fall too, including the big renovation and move to the new place! We will keep you posted but in the mean time, enjoy some of the albums from this summer.

Monday, August 23, 2010

It's been all summer.....

We've been busy and we've been slacking on the blog posts.....BUT I am working on a large post that will highlight the girls summer!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mother's Day!

Just sharing some cute pics of the girls from Mother's Day in a web album! Enjoy!

Dora at the zoo

Ever since the girls were super tiny they have always loved Dora the Explorer. Dora was even one of Brooklyn's first words. Last weekend Dora came to visit the Cincinnati Zoo so we thought the girls would love to meet her....yeah, not exactly.

First of all, we had to wait 45 minutes in line to even get to you can see, little Doodle face was not so happy.

From far away, the were very excited and kept pointing and saying "Dora" over and over again.

But once we were up close, they totally freaked! It was worth it though for this priceless picture of Mike with the girls and Dora!

Butterfly Show

Brooklyn and Marley outside of Krohn Conservatory. Daddy was invited to a private event at the Butterfly Show! Boy did we love it! And yes, B may or may not be sending me a message with that little finger :)

Buzz is desperate for a butterfly to land on her flower!

Yay! One finally landed on Daddy! Marley even got to touch it.

Our little butterflies!

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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Opening Day!

One of our favorite days of the year! The girls didn't go with us but they will be attending their first game of the season very soon!


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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Boo boo and Bunny

Brooklyn got her first boo boo. Truthfully, we don't even know how. We had been playing all day with the little boys down the street and when I went to change her clothes that night I noticed her scrape. She fell a few times but never cried or anything. She only noticed it when I made a big deal out of it!


The girls also had their first picture done with the Easter Bunny. I was looking back and last year we had it done at a twins club party but not an official photo. They were well behaved and didn't mind the scary looking bunny.


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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy Conception\St.Patrick's Day


Two years ago today the girls were conceived. Not from a drunken St. Patrick's Day night but from IVF, in the darling little petri dish pictured.

A few days later they were 8 cell embryos transferred to my uterus. Also, pictured above - how cool is it that I have a picture of them at that stage?!?!?!

A year ago. they were just over 4 months old, letting me "decorate" them.

This morning, I had to fight them to keep the cute clips in their hair!

Today will always be more than just St. Patrick's Day to us! Happy Conception Day Brooklyn and Marley!

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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring is coming!!!!!!

And we couldn't be more excited! They girls are ready to get out of this house and run and play. We renewed our zoo membership and are looking into tumbling classes to take. Our street is filled with other kids to play with. I am beginning to shop for outdoor toys and such because last year we didn't need anything like this!

We are also busy planning their first trip to the beach at the end of May and continuing to plan for Bill and Amber's wedding in August. Lots going on and they are growing like weeds! Attached is a few pictures from the various things we have been up to! Enjoy!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Well, we are way behind on blogging! Been a busy winter with snow and sickness. Below are a few pictures of the girls playing in the snow for the very first time.

Girl's 1st snow 2.6.10

Oddly enough, playing in the snow this week was a welcome change as opposed to sitting in the hospital again. Brooklyn cam down with Croup and needed breathing treatments to help her breath correctly. She only spent one night but it was scary to see her laboring so hard to breath. She barely missed a beat though and took everything like the tough little cookie that she is. Her breathing treatments were of Albuterol...aka. kiddie crack. It seriously made her bounce off the walls and this was after no sleep because of being up for several nights coughing.

Today we had a follow up and their 15 month appointment and all is well. Marley is now a half an inch taller than Brooklyn but still so tiny! She weighs 17lbs 9oz. Brooklyn is getting close to 20lbs finally at 19lbs 5oz. The doctor told them they are what women call "lucky". They will be tall, beanpoles like their mother :)
