Mike and I had a tour of the maternity ward of Good Samaritan Hospital this weekend. I was not impressed! The rooms are so tiny! They are currently renovating and updating but the new rooms that are ready are only for low-risk, non-C-section patients. So, obviously, I will not be in those rooms. The real kicker is that they have the Level 3 Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit. It's the best in the city. I can choose to deliver at Bethesda North but then the babies would only get the care of a Level 2 Neo-Natal Intensive Care Unit.
Bottom line - we scheduled a tour at Bethesda North, but given the fact that I am having twins and most likely will be delivering prematurely...the best bet is Good Sam. I can stay in a tiny room if I know that the babies are getting the best possible care.
Warning to all family and friends: Not sure how many visitors I will be able to have in the room! And if the babies are in the NICU, only Mike and I and the grandparents are allowed to visit. :(
**Found out later that Bethesda North is actually a Level 3 NICU as well! Whoo Hoo!
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Monday, June 30, 2008
Hospital Tour
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Unplanned trip to the doctor....
Today I was having some pain and pressure in my lower abdomen and I started to get worried about it as it became worse through out the day. I had an appointment scheduled for Friday, 6/20 so I just called today to explain my symptoms to make sure it didn't signify anything. They immediately thought it might be a bladder infection so I had to see them right away.
Good news is it was not a bladder infection....bad news is, I have 2 big babies and a small pelvic area. They are just creating a ton of pressure and causing much discomfort...ALREADY! The remedy is a pregnancy belt that will help give support to my heavy belly and relieve the pressure.
In addition, my appointment for Friday was cancelled because she did an exam today. No ultrasound, but we heard the heartbeats! Both are strong and healthy! The doctor said I am measuring about the size of a women in her 7th month of pregnancy with a single child. I have only gained 5lbs. which is excellent considering I am still down a few from the nightmare sickness! The babies are doing well and growing and the next appointment in July will give us the much anticipated news of what the gender will be of the future Stuart twins. I am counting the days!!!!!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Correction: One Hand Drawn Card
I received a special card in the mail from Emily (my niece). It looks like she spent a lot of time and effort on it. While on the surface it may appear a confusing mess of poor grammar and ketchup & mustard themed coloring, I think it is a thought-provoking piece lashing out at the ravages of war and the sanctity of family. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own interpretation. Either way, this was an awesome card to receive in the mail. By the way, can anyone tell me why the dog (Max) signed the card??


Pregnant Sisters

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Long father's day
My first father's day as a father was absent of ugly ties, poorly made breakfast, hand drawn cards and other cliches but I did accomplish a lot (with the help of my dad, of course). I successfully replaced the power window motor on the Acura. As I first dove in it seemed I was in way over my head but thanks to the internet, I repaired it with some sweat and help (no blood!). The rest of the day was spent soaking in the pool and eating dinner with family. All and all a pretty good day. I'm sure the next one will be a bit different.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Pregnancy without sickness...
It is wonderful! I have not felt sick in weeks and I am also starting to get my energy back (and also gaining weight). Mike probably wishes I was sick again because all I did was lay around. Now, I want to clean, buy baby stuff, put cribs together, paint, etc. The list could go on and on. I am pretty much in full nesting mode!
This part of pregnancy is so much more enjoyable. If I could feel like this the whole time, that would be great. I know this period will be short lived though because the bigger I get, the more uncomfortable I get.
I am hoping to feel the twins movement soon. Right now every time I feel a grumble or bubble I wonder if it was the babies. I figure I will know when it is really them moving and not just my stomach begging for food like it always seems to be doing these days.