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Tuesday, December 29, 2009


So much has gone on in the past few weeks. We have had more professional pictures with cousin Lucas, snow, ear infections, teething has been a nightmare, the holidays, etc. But I wanted to catch everyone up on the girls first real Christmas. Last year they slept through everything so this time it was much more fun. They got way too much stuff! But we are so thankful for all of it! Daddy was also off for a week so we did some really fun things so there are lots of pictures of that!

I am just uploading 4 or 5 albums below because I just can't find the time to go through and pick out the good pictures! Enjoy!

Holiday PI (

Christmas Sunday

Daddy's on Christmas Vacation

Museum Center

Christmas 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Then and Now - HOLY COW!

I just had to laugh. What an amazing difference a year makes! A comparison photo with Santa, of course!

Marley (on the left in both pictures):
Then - 5 weeks old and maybe a whole 4 lbs!
Now - 13 months old and 16 lbs 5 oz.

Brooklyn (on the right in both pictures):
Then - 5 weeks old and just over 5 lbs!
Now - 13 months old and a whopping 18 lbs 8oz.

I seriously forget that they were that tiny just a year ago. I meet my friend's newborn babies who are 7 and 8 lbs and I think they are SO tiny! But they aren't compared to my munchkins. My, my, my how they grow. Makes me a little teary eyed, but we are just having a blast with them walking and "talking" right now! Can't wait see what this year holds...


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Monday, November 30, 2009

First family photo shoot!

Below are the first photos that we have had done professionally as a family. It was a perfect fall day and we headed up to Devou Park to capture the colors of a Cincinnati fall! The girls were great and we spent a couple hours in the park while our photographer captured fun moments of us as a family. Can't wait to do it again! Keep on the look out for more pictures of the girls with their cousin Lucas in their Christmas outfits! That photo shoot is coming up!


Professional Photos

Monday, November 16, 2009

Brooklyn and Marley's 1st Birthday!

So, I know this has taken my more than a week to post but we have been extremely busy! We have decided that I will be staying home with the girls. I will continue to look for a job and should the RIGHT thing come a long I MIGHT take it. Anyway, staying home with two ONE YEAR OLD little girls is a lot more work than ever before. They are way mobile....Brooklyn is nearly on the run at this point and Marley isn't far behind her! Here are a bunch of pictures from their first birthday party! We had the party at Papa and Grams Stuart's house. It was a barnyard theme and they had pony rides from Spanky. Well, the girls missed the pony rides because they fell asleep shortly after eating their cake. Poor things, utter exhaustion!


1st Birthday

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Brooklyn Taking Steps

Brooklyn is beginning to walk - pray for us!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Marley's tooth!

She has had a tooth for a few weeks now...just one. Brooklyn on the other hand has four on top and three on the bottom. Hey, Marley still has no problem eating everything that Brookyln eats!

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Below are a couple web albums of a lot of different stuff. We have had an extremely busy fall and I have been terrible about updating the blog! Lucas' first birthday party was the biggest highlight of the fall so far! The girls also had an early first birthday party with the Koepke side of the family because Aunt Keri came to visit again from Alabama. Enjoy the pictures! I am going to do my best to try to keep up more often. Right now we are planning the girls first birthday bash...stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pumpkin Patch!

Hard to believe that last year at this time I was on bed rest and waiting for the birth of the girls....which wouldn't come for several more weeks.

Fast forward a several months and we are visiting the pumpkin patch with Aunt Sarah, Lucas and Gigi at nearly 11 months old. The girls loved it, although they were sleepy. Still...we had a lot of fun picking out pumpkins, eating ice cream, getting some apple cider, and taking LOTS of pictures. Link to the album is below. Enjoy!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Our Buddy Braedon

Some of our really good friends had a little boy, Braedon, in January. The girls like to play with him - well, mostly stick their fingers in his mouth for some reason. Too cute! Braedon is 3 months younger than the girls but almost 10lbs heavier! Big boy, little girls.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bad Mother???

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So, maybe I am a terrible mom but this picture has a funny story to it. We were at the zoo the other day and we were having lunch. Marley got a little sleepy so I gave her a bottle and laid her down in the back seat of the stroller that lays all the way down flat. She woke up a bit later and I sat her up and we went on about our way. I was pushing the stroller around and kept getting strange looks...mind you, we always are stared at because of the twins. I finally check on the girls (who I couldn't see all that well because of their sun shades). Low and behold - Marley had fallen down in between the seats of the stroller and was basically riding along on the foot rest. I had to laugh. She was fine and actually seemed quite content. Since she was okay, I decided to take a picture. Still makes me giggle.

From Random September 2009
The girls also got to ride in their first grocery cart apparatus. They LOVED it! They were both giggling and cracking up the whole time. I had to take a deep breath and pretend that there wasn't any germs on that nasty thing. Gross! Brooklyn and Marley were not worried about germs and it kept them entertained and quiet in the grocery, which is just priceless!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Play date with Eva

Since Mommy isn't working, we are living the dream and doing a lot of fun stuff. Last week we went to the park with Eva. Her mommy's name is Katie too. Check us out! We had a lost of fun eating snacks and blowing bubbles. Then we got tired and had to leave. Still, we got to get out of the house and that helps Mommy stay in a much better mood! Looking forward to going to the zoo with Remi soon! Also, below is a picture of us during our first play date with Eva back in January. Look how we have grown!

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From Drop Box

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Swinging At The Park

I got a little creative and did some editing of a HD video taken at the park tonight.. enjoy.

Pediatric Vesicoureteral Reflux

After Brooklyn scaring us with her trip to the hospital a couple weeks ago, we decided to investigate further to see if there was something wrong that might have possibly caused such a bad infection. The doctor told us that it is common for young girls to have this particular reflux issue and she should be tested.

Last week we took Brooklyn for a VCUG at Children's. They basically catheter her and run dye into her bladder and use x-ray to take video of what is happening. In Brooklyn, her urine was backing up towards her kidneys. So they diagnosed her with Pediatric Vesicoureteral Reflux at a Grade 2. For now we will give her a mild antibiotic every night to make sure she doesn't get anymore infections which could damage her kidneys. She will have the same VCUG test done in a year to see if she is growing out of it, which usually is the case. If she doesn't or it worsens we will look into a surgical procedure that would correct the issue. It is common for siblings to have the same issue so we will also closely monitor Marley.

More info is below...

Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) is the backup of urine from the organ that stores urine (bladder) into the tube that carries urine from the kidney to the bladder (ureter) during urination. VUR may result in urine reflux into the renal pelvis, causing distention (hydronephrosis) and kidney damage. In children, this condition is usually caused by an abnormality that is present at birth (congenital) and is often diagnosed during prenatal ultrasound.

There are two types of VUR: primary and secondary. Primary reflux is caused by a congenital (present at birth) abnormality, and secondary reflux is caused by a urinary tract infection (UTI) or an obstruction in the urinary tract.

Reflux is graded according to its severity:

Grade I results in urine reflux into the ureter only.
Grade II results in urine reflux into the ureter and the renal pelvis, without distention (hydronephrosis).
Grade III results in urine reflux into the ureter and the renal pelvis, causing mild hydronephrosis.
Grade IV results in moderate hydronephrosis.
Grade V results in severe hydronephrosis and twisting of the ureter.

Incidence and Prevalence
VUR is diagnosed in 17–37% of prenatal ultrasounds. The condition is more prevalent in females and in children who have red hair. One-third of UTIs in children are caused by vesicoureteral reflux.

Causes and Risk Factors

Undetermined genetic risk factors may affect the development of VUR. About 34% of patients who have the condition have siblings who are also affected. Siblings of patients with VUR are routinely tested for the condition, even when symptoms are not present.

The most common cause for primary reflux in children is an abnormality in the section of the ureter that enters the bladder (called the intravesical ureter). The intravesical ureter may not be long enough to enable the ureter to close sufficiently to prevent urine reflux, or the ureter may be inserted abnormally into the bladder. This condition often resolves as the child grows and the ureter lengthens.

Other causes of primary reflux include abnormalities in detrusor muscle tissue of the bladder, abnormalities in the location of the urethral opening (e.g., hypospadias), and abnormalities in the shape of the urethral opening.

Secondary reflux is often caused by urinary tract infection (e.g., cystitis) that results in inflammation and swelling of the ureter. UTI may cause vesicoureteral reflux or vesicoureteral reflux may promote the growth of bacteria in the urinary tract, causing UTI. Secondary reflux may also be caused by urinary tract abnormalities (e.g., narrowing, or stricture, of the ureter; duplicated ureters; ureterocele) and obstructions (e.g., UPJ obstruction, stones, tumor).

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time flies...

We have been busy with various things going on in the month of August and trying to keep up with the girls. Here is a video and some pictures - enjoy!

Random August 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

First trip to ER and then a few days at Children's Hospital

Poor little Brooklyn. It started with a fever of 104 last Monday. I took B to the doctor because I was so worried. They chalked it up to a throat virus that was going around because her throat was red. I proceeded to call the doctor everyday because I couldn't keep her fever down and it was SO high! If I would have trusted my motherly instincts I would have taken her to the ER Wednesday. But, instead, I listened to the doctor. By Friday I was in a panic. She still had a high fever, was not playing, eating, etc. When I picked her up she cried and I felt like I was hurting her. We went back to the pediatrician for advice and they sent us directly to the ER at Children's Hospital.

B waiting in the ER :(

After a catheter to get a clean sample of urine and THREE sticks to get an IV in, we spent a couple hours in the ER waiting for an answer. The ER doctor came in and said, "She has a rip-roaring urinary tract infection and my suspicion is it is in her bladder and possibly her kidneys. She needs to be admitted for more tests, monitoring and IV antibiotics."

Sad little Brooklyn!

All in all we spent 3 nights and 4 days at Children's. She had ups and downs and fever spikes but by the 2nd and 3rd day, she was feeling better.

Aunt Sarah holding a feverish, sick B.

Brooklyn had lots of visitors including her sissy, Marley Doodle. Marley was not so interested in her sister but more excited about popsicles and toys!

At this point Brooklyn has kept fevers at bay and is playing almost like she did before. I say almost like she did before because a couple nights before she became sick we had to buy a crib tent to keep her in her bed. That's right, she likes to try to climb out of her bed now...TRY being the key word. She is too little to actually do it but I am sure those days are right around the corner. I will post picture of the "baby jail" soon!
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tea Party

The girls had their first ever tea party - and what a tea party it was! We went and met a few friends at the BonBonerie in Hyde Park for tea and scones! Yum! Brooklyn and Marley got all dressed up and even wore pearls. We had a good time and I can't wait to take them again when they are older and can really sit at the cute tables and even drink a little decaf tea!

Eating their pearls....

Milk is the new tea!

Mommy's special friends ~ my infertility support group.

Me and my ladies!
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Thursday, July 16, 2009

It's Skyline Time!

So, given that my little ones are from Cincinnati, we decided to get them started early on the "ways" of the city! My sister and I were meeting for dinner and we decided on Skyline. The girls have pretty much been eating everything we eat with a few exceptions so I thought that I could at least give them some noodles and cheese. Sarah informed me that she gave Lucas a baby 3-way already. They just put a spoonful of chili on the noodles and mix it up so that the noodles are coated with the chili. I thought, "Why not!"

Neither one of them have declined any food at all and the Skyline was no exception. They LOVED it!!! True Cincinnati ladies! Come to think of it, they have already had LaRosa's pizza too! Tomorrow I will have to double them up on fruits and veggies to cover what we missed today but I am glad that they like Skyline because this won't be the first time they eat it.

Brooklyn also chewed up a price tag that she pulled off some clothing at a store when Mommy wasn't looking (she was at the perfect level because she was in the stroller). That's a whole other story. ;)

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Monday, July 6, 2009

Lots of summer fun!

Just thought I would post a web album of the first half of the summer! We have been all over, doing all sorts of fun things. Now that I am done working for awhile we will be even more active. Enjoy!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

First Father's Day

While this post comes a little bit let, it is not a reflection on my first father's day went. We took the girls and Papa down to the Reds game. Unfortunately it was sweltering and our seats were very good and very exposed to the sun. We only lasted about an inning before we had to get the girls up into some shade. They had a blast though. I received wonderful presents including a commercial grade leaf vacuum/blower (this will be awesome in the fall), some UC clothing, and EA Active for the Wii. I feel really lucky to have two wonderful and healthy girls. I'm really looking forward to many more father's days with them.

Father's Day

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Weight Update

Normally, after your six month check up and shots the girls wouldn't need to go back to the doctor until nine months. But due to their small size, Dr. White requested they come in between 6-9 months for a weight check. The stats are below:

Brooklyn - 14lbs 10.5oz

Marley - 12lbs 10.5oz

Still in the 10th percentile and Marley is still on the preemie chart, but hey, they are healthy, happy and headed in the right direction! That is all we can ask for!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Brooklyn has a tooth...

or at least the top of a tooth! It is so cute! So far, she hasn't been too cranky. A couple of nights she has stayed up later than normal but that is it. No signs of teeth for Marley yet, but I bet it won't be long!

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Uncle Patrick and Aunt MK!

Uncle Patrick and Aunt MK came to visit from California and met Brooklyn and Marley for the first time! We had a lot of fun! We took the girls to the zoo and the park. My girls went swimming in PaPa's pool for the first time! They kinda liked it. The water was very warm but it still took a little getting used to for them. Once they were in there was a lot of kicking and splashing! I am sure there will be more pool pictures to come through out this summer.

We had a great week and we were sorry to see Uncle Patrick and Aunt MK go! Hope to see them again soon!

Feeding the ducks!

Marley's pool ride.

Brooklyn loved the pool!

PaPa and Doodle.

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Zoo trip with Em and Megan...the first of many!

Some how me and Uncle Patrick, who was in town visiting from California, managed to take all four girls to the zoo one day. Emily and Megan got to feed the giraffes! They loved it! Uncle Patrick had to kiss a monkey...and lucky for him there was a bronzed monkey along one of the walking paths! We were sure to capture this in a photo.

We have zoo passes this year and we plan to spend a lot of time there. My girls love it and so do Em and Megan.

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