I took the girls last week for another professional photo session. We just went to the photo place in the mall. The girls were so cooperative at their first session I didn't expect them to be any other way at this one. Boy was I wrong! If one of them was awake, the other was asleep. If one of them was happy the other was crying. Brooklyn pooped as soon as we got there, Marley had gas the entire time. I had wardrobe changes and diaper changes, trying to feed them to get them to settle down....it was a crazy hour. I was by myself which was not a good idea. This is one situation where an extra set of hands would have been nice.
We managed to get a few poses that weren't horrible. Below is my fav!
This is the funniest video of my second cousin, Landen, walking...too cute!
The girls have lots of little men in their lives. Most of our friends or family who haven given birth around the same time as us had little boys. Below are some snapshots of a couple of the cuties they've been "playing" with lately. We've yet to meet Eli and Susan's baby Braedon...hopefully soon!

The hot little fella is "Baby Dave"! Our friends Dave
Tara had a little boy about a month after we had the
girls. Tara and I were due just days apart.

This is Cousin Lucas....so stinkin' adorable. There
will be about a million more of these pictures to
come because these three will be inseparable!
I can hardly believe it but the girls are 3 months old (on Friday). We went for their 3 month doctor's appointment today and all is well. Brooklyn is 10lbs 6oz and 22 inches long. Marley is 7lbs 11oz and 21.5 inches long. Both are still tiny for their age. Marley is still on the preemie growth chart. Brooklyn is on a regular growth chart but is in the 10th percentile for weight and height. The doctor says she is pleased with both girls growth and thinks they are right where they should be. We will continue them on the special formula for premature infants for another month or so and possibly a couple more months for Marley.
Since the girls are growing we also went shopping for some spring clothes. I am praying that warmer weather is just around the corner and the girls will need some t-shirts and capris! Given the fact that it took us three hours to get home last night because of 7 more inches of snow....I'd say that the stupid groundhog was right!