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Thursday, February 12, 2009

Early Valentine's Day and a little early birthday too!

Mike and I both have bad habits of not being able to keep gifts either a secret or wrapped until the designated day! We ALWAYS open stuff early. We made no exception for Valentine's Day and his birthday. We opened all gift earlier this week! The girls gave daddy all his presents which included a new shirt (because they always puke on his), some cologne (so he doesn't smell like baby poo), and a sweet new coffee maker (for all those nights they keep him up)! These gifts were a mix of birthday and valentine's.

I got an awesome new Kate Spade handbag (and wine and flowers) as a valentine. I LOVE designer bags but don't buy then but maybe once a year or once every couple years. With the past couple years being so baby focused I had not splurged on a bag...and let me just say, after the year I had...this one is well deserved!

On Mike's birthday we will be going out to celebrate with friends and family. We enjoyed our little gift exchange until about half way through when the girls started screaming. Maybe they realized that there weren't any gifts for them....

Gifts, gifts, gifts!

Brooklyn and Marley about to give daddy his first

Yay! A coffee maker!

I got to deal with screaming until it was my turn
to open my gift.

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