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Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Brooklyn and Marley update!

Both girls are doing so great!

Brooklyn went to the doctor today and weighs in at a whopping 4lbs. 13.2oz.  That is 2oz. more than her birth weight and she is up 6oz. from last week!  She should gain a half and ounce to an ounce a day so she is right on target!  She eats well, but seems even slower at 2am.  

Marley weighed 3lbs. 5oz. last night (they weigh her every night between 8pm and 9pm).  She is gaining weight slowly but steadily.  She eats almost double what she is required to in a day!  To come home she has to weigh 1600 grams...they do everything in grams at the hospital and then we have to try to convert it.  Math was never my strong point.  Anyway, 1600 grams is about 3lbs. 9oz.  Marley should be home by early next week at the rate she is gaining.  What a relief. Trips back and forth to the NICU everyday plus trying to take care of Brooklyn is taking its toll.

Thanks to everyone who goes to visit Marley.  Mike and I appreciate it.  It helps us feel like we are not neglecting her and that she isn't so lonely!  Just a few more days....


beercanchuck said...

I guess this means we will need extra food for Thanksgiving!!!!

Katie said...

Yep! My little, tiny girls can eat! Good thing because we all love food!
