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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

4 months old!!!

We are now 4 months old! And boy did we celebrate with an eventful day! First, Mommy decided to take a bunch of pictures. We got one special one with Kirra and then a lot by ourselves. A couple are highlighted below but check out the album link because there a like a million in there!

Then we went to meet Mommy's friend Christi for lunch. Mommy and Christi got their Master's degrees together at Xavier. She has a cute little boy, Patrick, who is just a week older than us. He is another one of our new boyfriends. We hope to hang out with him more often.

Then we went to our 4 month doctor's appointment. We were really good girls. Brooklyn weighs 11 lbs 7 oz and Marley weighs 8 lbs. 15 oz. We are growing and everything looks great. The doctor is going to make us do a few weeks of physical therapy to help us catch up to where we need to be developmentally. We are right where we should be in accordance to Mommy's real due date, so that is good, but the doctor says it can't hurt to speed us up a tad. Brooklyn is allowed to start eating a little bit of cereal each day and we both have to stay on the preemie infant formula. Mommy hates this because she can't buy it at Costco.

Then we had to get shots. Brooklyn went first and actually didn't even cry! She got a sad face and pouty lip but no sounds or tears! Marley cried a little but held her own. The nurses were impressed!

More updates soon!  Check out more pictures of us, click on the web album below!

Random March 09

1 comment:

Katie said...

I have no idea why this post is so out of control and large....oh well!
