We are back from our trip to California for Patrick and MK's wedding. The first stop was Anaheim where we spent two days (long days) at Disneyland with Emily and Megan, our nieces. It was a lot of fun, although very tiring. I walked the first day, but resided in a wheel chair the second. My back hurt, my feet hurt, parts of my body I didn't realize I had hurt...
The babies liked Disney. Well, they liked the music a lot. When we watched the big parade down Main Street I could feel them moving a ton!
Below are pictures of some of our events at Disney...more to follow of the wedding!

The twins first ride on the carousel. I couldn't ride much but I managed to hoist myself up on this horse.

The twins first ride on the carousel. I couldn't ride much but I managed to hoist myself up on this horse.

Yum! We bought them candy at like 9:00 at night! What great parents we will be!

Uncle Mike preparing his girly side! With two girls coming I am sure this isn't the only princess purse he will be carrying.
Papa Stuart in a crazy balloon hat made for Mary-Kevin at the Mexican restaurant. Everyone took turns wearing it!
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