To all of you convinced it was two girls - congratulations. To all of you convinced the twins would be humans - congratulations. Everyone else, sorry about your luck. Nothing we can do it about it at this point! Below are pictures from our ultrasound that nearly never happened due to some Dr. scheduling issues. The girls (now affectionately known as A & B) actually look like babies and not aliens at this point which is a relief. All are healthy and of perfect size (9oz right now!). This is a mix of 4D and 2D pictures and we tried to post the most clear ones. More to come in a few weeks when we get the full 4D package done.

"A" Knee to "B" face

"A" & "B" butt-to-face (once older they will be all too familar with the butt-to-face gas attack)

"A" face view in 4D, obscured by "B" butt and feet

"A" feet

"B" face with "A" knee/leg about to smash it

"B" profile, spine in full view
"B" fingers (thumb out of view)
Were do we start? The cowgirl hats, boots, TOY guns, (don't want them getting any ideals. ha) and the best... cowgirl outfits! I can't wait until Daddy lets Uncle Bubby take them for a weekend. Ha
Yahoo!! I won, I won, I won.
What do I get!!!
Perhaps naming rights.
No, I won!!!! I have been saying all along that Sarah was having a boy and Katie was having two girls. I'm thinking I found my calling in life. Predicting whether mommies will have boys or girls. I think I am a, I'm sure I am.
Now we can play the name game.
With Landen and the yet to be seen Lucas "L" seems to be a theme for this generation. My suggestions Lois and Lulu (my dad's mother's name). Although, Uncle Bob and I also think that Charlene (or Charlotte) and Roberta would be pretty cool also.
hmm how about no to all of those...
someone has to name them because mike and i sure can't decide on anything ourselves....
Perhaps you should wait and let them name themselves. I happen to think that Itsy Bitsy Spider and Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes Stuart both have a certain ring to them.
How about Lynn and Lynn, then they will never be confused.
LULU AND LYNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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