So, first, an update on my sister. She is now 3 cm. dilated and 90% effaced. The doctor "stripped her membranes" and will induce her labor if she doesn't go on her own Saturday morning at 3am. Why 3am? Who knows....her choice was 3am or 5pm. She went with the earlier, of course.
My labor is progressing a little. My cervix is now softening in addition to my 1cm. of dilation. Again, nothing to get too worried about, but the doctor did say I could possibly have October babies. She thinks I should have no problem getting to 32 weeks, given I am 30 and half today. We have an ultrasound scheduled then as well so we can check out the weight and size of the babies again to assure us if they are ready or not. Any further I can get past 32 weeks is just less and less time they will spend in the NICU.
My new personal goal is 34 weeks. At least! So, it is bedrest, watching tv, doing crosswords, playing wii, etc. for me. I am trying to hang in there, although the boredom compounds everyday.
Well there's your problem ... Quit playing tennis on the Wii :)
Keep those babies in. We're praying for you every night.
And good luck to your sister. I've heard that stripping term before, but I really really don't want to know or find out what it means.
Katie KS
Ooh, October 4 would be a good birthday. 10-4.
KKS again
When I was bored while recovering from surgery I alphabetized my beer label collection. Just an idea.
By the way October 4th is Landen's 6 month birthday.
We kept saying "10-4, good buddy" to Lucas when he was born! Now let's just hope he doesn't grow up to be a trucker. Not that there is anything wrong with truckers...we just have hire aspirations for a doctor or something!
Landen and Lucas are exactly 6 months apart!!
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