Sarah and I took the kids to see great grandpa George (my mom's dad) and his wife Gladys. We spent several hours there chatting. Grandpa told us stories about when we were little. He was so excited to spend time with the kids. Grandpa is going to be 83 this year. His health is getting weaker and he definitely only hears 10%of what you say. I felt like I was screaming when I was talking to him. Still, the time with him is so precious.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
2 month doctor appointment
Well the girls are growing...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Every year we go to the cemetery where my grandparents are buried and carry out several traditions. For my dad's side of the family we go to Mac and Rose Mary's grave and eat Turtle candies. They were Mac's favorite! For my mom's side we go to my Grandma's grave and I read a poem that my Aunt Carol and I wrote the year after she passed and Sarah reads a note that Aunt Carol wrote to Grandma.
Sorry it has taken forever to get holiday pictures posted! We had a very busy Christmas.
Christmas Eve was spent at the Germany's. We had a contest this year to see who could make the best stocking. You will see pictures of every one's in the web album below. Sarah and Marty cheated...that's all I am going to say about that. The girls got a couple toys and fun stuff in their stockings. They slept through most of the evening but I guess that is what 7 week olds do.
Christmas Day was spent at the Stuart's. The girls got diapers and wipes!!! Those are their favorite gifts. Mike and I got a lot of fun gifts too. We Skyped with Emily and Megan, the girls cousins, in Alaska and watched them open gifts. Emily and Megan were having a white Christmas with many inches of snow while we were enjoying a nearly 70 degree day! Maybe next year we will venture to Alaska so that we can have a white Christmas too! Later in the evening we had dinner with Uncle Bob and Aunt Diann, Lois, and Kim. We even spoke via speakerphone to Uncle Patrick and Aunt MK....they wish they could have been here to see the girls.
The best gifts we all received were the new additions to our families. The holidays were fun this year but I am sure each year will only get more and more exciting!
Click to enjoy web album below...
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xmas web |
Monday, December 22, 2008
Cookie Baking
This past Saturday the girls had their first baking experience. Me, my sister, my mom and my aunt all went to my sister's mother in law's house to bake with her, her daughter Heather and cousin Connie. We baked from 9am until 4pm! Many, many yummy items were made including Aunt Carol's very scary candy cane sugar cookies. She made sure one went home especially for Mike. We had such a great time I think it should become an annual tradition.
Brooklyn and Marley actually slept through most of the baking.
Aunt Carol making her abnormally large candy canes.
Gigi and Brooklyn
Look! Brooklyn is digging into her "Brooklyn Bars"
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas shopping = Impossible
I have been trying to get my shopping done and I am discovering with twin girls it is near impossible. Everything takes 5 times as long to do and with every three hour feedings, I get pretty much nothing accomplished. My sister and I go out together and that is helpful, some times my mom is there too. Exrta sets of hands are always welcome.
Full Night of Sleep
Last Friday, Mike and I ventured out on our own to my company year end event. It was so fun! We left the girls with my mom and dad - overnight! The goal was to enjoy ourselves and get a full night of rest...we accomplished both. The party was fabulous and the sleep was even better!
Koepke Visit
A few days before Thanksgiving the Koepke side of our family came to visit. It was an overwhelming time for us because Marley just came home and we didn't have pictures to share until Aunt Keri sent them last week.
My father and his wife Cathy came from Germantown, Ohio - they also had my Grandma in tow! My Aunt Keri and her fiance Charlie came all the way from Alabama! We don't see them often so it was a nice visit. Grandma is getting up there in years and entertained us all with her made up stories. She just adored her great grandbabies!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
No Sleep Till Brooklyn (and Marley stop screaming)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
One Month Check Up
Brooklyn and Marley went to the doctor today for their one month check up. This involves weight, height, and circumference checks, a full body exam and the 2nd Hep B shot. Marley weighed in at 5lbs even and was 18 inches long. Brooklyn is now 6lbs 5oz and 19 and 3\8 inches long. They are both healthy and doing very well. It broke my heart when they got their shot but once I picked them up they stopped crying instantly.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Due date!
Just thought it would be fun to let everyone know that today is my official due date. The girls would have been in the womb 40 weeks as of today. I was scheduled for a c-section at 38 weeks - I guess they don't torture women pregnant with multiples longer than that. Brooklyn and Marley making it 35 and a half weeks was a miracle in my mind, knowing how I was feeling. We are just thankful they came when they did, healthy and growing...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Cousin Luke's Dedication
Little news to report on the girls as of today. They did get to see snow for the first time this weekend. Not much of a reaction as expected. Also, they made it out for their cousin Lucas' dedication at church. Below are pictures...
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Lucas' Dedication |
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Girls First Santa Experience is Underwhelming

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Packing on the (half) Pounds
Marley went to the pediatrician today for a weigh-in. In the last week she has gained 9oz putting her current weight at 4lb 8oz. Brooklyn didn't get a turn on the scale today but judging from the baby curls I've been doing, she has gained weight also. Both eat well and sleep well (most of the time). Still looking forward to sleep in increments greater than 2 hours.