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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

One Month Check Up

Brooklyn and Marley went to the doctor today for their one month check up.  This involves weight, height, and circumference checks, a full body exam and the 2nd Hep B shot.  Marley weighed in at 5lbs even and was 18 inches long.  Brooklyn is now 6lbs 5oz and 19 and 3\8 inches long.  They are both healthy and doing very well.  It broke my heart when they got their shot but once I picked them up they stopped crying instantly.

The bad news...we still have to keep feeding them every 3 hours.  :)  It is totally fine except we still only get two hours of sleep at a time at night.  And that is if we are lucky.  Usually one of the girls wants to stay up and party or hang out.  The doctor said we can talk about going to every four hours at two months and once they are both eating closer to 4oz. at each feeding.  We are almost there!  Mike and I just need a little more patience and a lot more sleep.


beercanchuck said...

In the very near future, sitting at midnight waiting for the girls to come home from a basketball game you will long for the days of the midnight feedings.

mike said...

thanks for the reassuring comment
