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Monday, December 8, 2008

Due date!

Just thought it would be fun to let everyone know that today is my official due date.  The girls would have been in the womb 40 weeks as of today.  I was scheduled for a c-section at 38 weeks - I guess they don't torture women pregnant with multiples longer than that.  Brooklyn and Marley making it 35 and a half weeks was a miracle in my mind, knowing how I was feeling.  We are just thankful they came when they did, healthy and growing...


Katie said...

So how much baby weight would you have been carrying if they weighed what they do now and you delivered them today??

Also, in the dedication pictures, you look so good! I hope I can be back in my skinny pants so quickly.

Katie KS

Katie said...

i lost all my weight pretty quickly. i use the babies to cover up the remaining belly fat!

all together they are about 11lbs thanks.
