Well the girls are growing...
Brooklyn now weighs 8lbs. 3oz.!! She is also no longer measuring on the preemie growth chart. Marley is still a little peanut. She weighs 6lbs. 1oz. She is still measuring on the preemie chart but is growing at a great pace. Both girls are healthy and doing well. What a relief! Two months ago I was so worried about my tiny little ones.
In other news...we are trying to find a sitter for the girls when I go back to work. So far it has not been a good experience. We have had a few referrals from an agency. I telephone screened them and most can only accept one baby at this time or can only accept both babies one or two days a week. Today we went to the one ladies house who said she could accept both the girls. It was filthy! The house was in such disarray I couldn't even concentrate on anything else. There was a plastic grocery bag in the toy bin! Hello! Suffocation! The lady seemed nice but I just couldn't get past the disgusting house. I cried when I got to the car out of frustration and just sadness. I definitely want to work, but we have to be comfortable with where we leave the girls. Not sure exactly what we are going to do next......if anyone has suggestions, we are VERY open to them! Starting to get desperate!
I will come to your house everyday, watch the girls and have dinner ready for you and Mike buuuuutttttttt it will cost you.
Good luck! I feel your pain. I am beyond grateful that my dad said he would be Eva's caregiver while we work ... best Christmas present we could have gotten. He can only do 4 days a week so I'm still trying to figure out the fifth.
Katie KS
From the time I was 6 until I turned 12 I got an abandon refrigerator for Christmas. Yes, the door was still attached.
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