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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Girls First Major Snowfall!

Between yesterday and today we ended up with about a foot of snow and ice shutting the city down. The girls are not really amused by the snowfall but like having daddy home for a snow day....mommy missed out on a snow day because today was my scheduled off day. We were supposed to go to the doctor today for a 3 month check up but that will be rescheduled for next week. Since they can't play in the snow yet we stepped outside for a few seconds to at least capture them near their first snowfall.

Marley looking less than amused..removing the bink
was not an option!

Brooklyn was slightly more interested in looking

Kirra even went out for about 5 seconds...she
doesn't do the snow...she is litter trained.

Even though it is a little annoying to be stuck
inside, it sure is pretty to look at.
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Katie said...

I may do this with Eva today :)... was too worried about ice yesterday.

beercanchuck said...

Lets see, sick children, outside in the snow. Huh?

Katie said...

it was literally for 5 seconds i swear!!!!
