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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

One week and counting...

I've made the decision to return to work early on Tuesday, January 20th.  I can stay out until 03.24.09 - unpaid, of course. The plan was for me to return some time in February.  BUT - I feel ready to head back and get into the swing of things again.  Keep in mind I have not worked since September.  I will probably change my mind as soon as I step in to LPK on Tuesday.  I am only returning part-time with not working on Wednesdays.  I think this will be good for the girls and will help make day care costs a lot cheaper as well.  

As far as daycare goes...Mike's mom and dad are keeping them three days a week and they will go to a sitter on Fridays.  We love the sitter but she only had openings one day a week for now.  As things open up for her we will gradually shift the girls to her care and give Mike's mom and dad a break!  Although I think the girls are going to love spending time there - in the summer there is a pool, the place has horses, dogs, cats, etc. and there is plenty of room for them to run around - once they are mobile of course.

So, one week...I have a million and one things on my to do list between now and then.  Visits with friends, meeting people for lunch, running errands, cleaning the house, spending every second I can with Brooklyn and Marley so they don't forget who I am, etc.  It is going to be a busy week!

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