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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy 50th Birthday's!!!

This year marked the 50th birthdays of our much loved Auntie Carol and my dad, Tim. To celebrate we went to an extra nice restaurant downtown. Boi Na Braza. It is a Brazilian steakhouse that is all you can eat....and believe me, we did some damage! After eating we went to Fountain Square to take some photos. It was so cold and windy, we took these shots in about 30 seconds. They are posted below...Enjoy!

Mike and I and Sarah and Marty left the babies with sitters! We left our girls with friends Lauren and Brian. The girls had a great time! Lauren and Brian are on the verge of having their own children so they got lots of practice. This I know because Brooklyn was leaving a deposit as we were walking out the door.

Happy Birthday to Tim and Auntie! Much love to both!

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beercanchuck said...

So how does it work with the senior discount and all them old people? Does everyone get the discount or is it just the old folk?
By the way, getting old means meals at Golden Corral.

Anonymous said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I made it to 50's!!!!!!! It's all down hill from here. Had a great weekend!!!! Thanks to all!
