Sarah and I took the kids to see great grandpa George (my mom's dad) and his wife Gladys. We spent several hours there chatting. Grandpa told us stories about when we were little. He was so excited to spend time with the kids. Grandpa is going to be 83 this year. His health is getting weaker and he definitely only hears 10%of what you say. I felt like I was screaming when I was talking to him. Still, the time with him is so precious.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
2 month doctor appointment
Well the girls are growing...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Every year we go to the cemetery where my grandparents are buried and carry out several traditions. For my dad's side of the family we go to Mac and Rose Mary's grave and eat Turtle candies. They were Mac's favorite! For my mom's side we go to my Grandma's grave and I read a poem that my Aunt Carol and I wrote the year after she passed and Sarah reads a note that Aunt Carol wrote to Grandma.
Sorry it has taken forever to get holiday pictures posted! We had a very busy Christmas.
Christmas Eve was spent at the Germany's. We had a contest this year to see who could make the best stocking. You will see pictures of every one's in the web album below. Sarah and Marty cheated...that's all I am going to say about that. The girls got a couple toys and fun stuff in their stockings. They slept through most of the evening but I guess that is what 7 week olds do.
Christmas Day was spent at the Stuart's. The girls got diapers and wipes!!! Those are their favorite gifts. Mike and I got a lot of fun gifts too. We Skyped with Emily and Megan, the girls cousins, in Alaska and watched them open gifts. Emily and Megan were having a white Christmas with many inches of snow while we were enjoying a nearly 70 degree day! Maybe next year we will venture to Alaska so that we can have a white Christmas too! Later in the evening we had dinner with Uncle Bob and Aunt Diann, Lois, and Kim. We even spoke via speakerphone to Uncle Patrick and Aunt MK....they wish they could have been here to see the girls.
The best gifts we all received were the new additions to our families. The holidays were fun this year but I am sure each year will only get more and more exciting!
Click to enjoy web album below...
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xmas web |
Monday, December 22, 2008
Cookie Baking
This past Saturday the girls had their first baking experience. Me, my sister, my mom and my aunt all went to my sister's mother in law's house to bake with her, her daughter Heather and cousin Connie. We baked from 9am until 4pm! Many, many yummy items were made including Aunt Carol's very scary candy cane sugar cookies. She made sure one went home especially for Mike. We had such a great time I think it should become an annual tradition.
Brooklyn and Marley actually slept through most of the baking.
Aunt Carol making her abnormally large candy canes.
Gigi and Brooklyn
Look! Brooklyn is digging into her "Brooklyn Bars"
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Christmas shopping = Impossible
I have been trying to get my shopping done and I am discovering with twin girls it is near impossible. Everything takes 5 times as long to do and with every three hour feedings, I get pretty much nothing accomplished. My sister and I go out together and that is helpful, some times my mom is there too. Exrta sets of hands are always welcome.
Full Night of Sleep
Last Friday, Mike and I ventured out on our own to my company year end event. It was so fun! We left the girls with my mom and dad - overnight! The goal was to enjoy ourselves and get a full night of rest...we accomplished both. The party was fabulous and the sleep was even better!
Koepke Visit
A few days before Thanksgiving the Koepke side of our family came to visit. It was an overwhelming time for us because Marley just came home and we didn't have pictures to share until Aunt Keri sent them last week.
My father and his wife Cathy came from Germantown, Ohio - they also had my Grandma in tow! My Aunt Keri and her fiance Charlie came all the way from Alabama! We don't see them often so it was a nice visit. Grandma is getting up there in years and entertained us all with her made up stories. She just adored her great grandbabies!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
No Sleep Till Brooklyn (and Marley stop screaming)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
One Month Check Up
Brooklyn and Marley went to the doctor today for their one month check up. This involves weight, height, and circumference checks, a full body exam and the 2nd Hep B shot. Marley weighed in at 5lbs even and was 18 inches long. Brooklyn is now 6lbs 5oz and 19 and 3\8 inches long. They are both healthy and doing very well. It broke my heart when they got their shot but once I picked them up they stopped crying instantly.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Due date!
Just thought it would be fun to let everyone know that today is my official due date. The girls would have been in the womb 40 weeks as of today. I was scheduled for a c-section at 38 weeks - I guess they don't torture women pregnant with multiples longer than that. Brooklyn and Marley making it 35 and a half weeks was a miracle in my mind, knowing how I was feeling. We are just thankful they came when they did, healthy and growing...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Cousin Luke's Dedication
Little news to report on the girls as of today. They did get to see snow for the first time this weekend. Not much of a reaction as expected. Also, they made it out for their cousin Lucas' dedication at church. Below are pictures...
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Lucas' Dedication |
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Girls First Santa Experience is Underwhelming

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Packing on the (half) Pounds
Marley went to the pediatrician today for a weigh-in. In the last week she has gained 9oz putting her current weight at 4lb 8oz. Brooklyn didn't get a turn on the scale today but judging from the baby curls I've been doing, she has gained weight also. Both eat well and sleep well (most of the time). Still looking forward to sleep in increments greater than 2 hours.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Another First - Thanksgiving
It has only been three short weeks and the girls have survived another "first" as they were manhandled for 12 straight hours during Thanksgiving. Below are some of the highlights.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Uncle Bill's Birthday and Marley Visits the Pediatrician
Friday, November 21, 2008
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Marley Comes Home |
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Marley has gone on a food rampage and officially gained enough weight to leave baby prison (aka the NICU). She will be reunited with her sister for a photoshoot Friday afternoon and then heads home to begin life outside the walls.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Brooklyn and Marley update!
Both girls are doing so great!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Brooklyn's first bath at home
Mike and I successfully bathed our infant tonight. Brooklyn was so good and pretty much slept through it entirely! I was sure she'd scream like she did at the hospital. I think she actually liked it and it helped her relax because afterwards she ate and then slept for 3 hours. I had never bathed a baby that small before but somehow we managed. Pictures are below - just click the picture to go to the web album.
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Brooklyn's First Bath |
No More Feeding Tube!
Yesterday little miss Marley pulled her feeding tube out of her left it out! Since, she has eaten all of her bottles by herself! This is one of the biggest things that she had to overcome before being able to come home. We are praying that she keeps eating well on her own so that she can do without the tube. All she has to do now is continue to gain weight. Last night she weighed 3lbs. 2.5oz. Every day she should gain a half an ounce. Once she gets closer to 4lbs. she can come home with us.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
We are home! Updates galore! Pictures!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Here are all the pictures and a video clip from today so far.... more to follow.
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Brooklyn and Marley Birth |
They're Herrrrrrrrrrrre!
At 12:42pm and 12:43p today, Brooklyn and Marley finally came out to say hello. BK weighed 4lbs 11oz and Marley weighed 3lbs 2oz. Marley had to go to the NICU because of her size but it should be a short stay. BK had no problems and has been hanging with us and is getting her first bath (much needed). Both have curly/wavy brown hair.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
We are having the girls tomorrow!!!!!!
Well did we ever have an eventful doctor's appointment today! I went in for my ultrasound first and it was not so great news. One twin is 4lbs. 12oz. and the other was barely measuring at 4lbs. They call this Intrauterine Growth Restriction. It is very common in multiple pregnancies. The poor little girl is just out of room to grow!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Brooklyn and Marley's dream palace!
I haven't had anything super exciting to post lately except updates on me...and those have not been full of much information either. So, since the girl's nursery is now complete, I'd figured I'd show a few pictures of it for those who have not seen it or those who have seen it in transition. It is a little cramped, but hey, I'm sure they are used to it after spending almost 9 months in my belly!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
34 weeks update
Well, I am now 3cm. No other change. I am learning that the dilation really means nothing. I need my water to break or to go into more active labor for anything to happen earlier than 38 weeks (the doctor told me that only 6% of women pregnant with twins make it to 38 weeks). I am not pushing it too much right now because I'd prefer to get to 36 weeks anyway - the babies are considered full-term at that point. I am sore and tired and sore...but okay. Next week I get a final ultrasound to check their growth one more time. I am hoping they are 5lbs. each!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
33 weeks update
My doctor appointment today was even more uneventful than normal. Zero change for me! The girls have strong heart beats so they are just fine as well. I can now ease up on my bed rest restrictions but honestly, I am so uncomfortable and sore that I am not sure how much I can really do now anyway. At least I can go and see my sister and Lucas and do things around the house and not feel guilty about it.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Weekly doctor appointment - 32 weeks
We have a date for my c-section...11.24.08. That is 38 weeks for me. I seriously doubt that I will make it that far, actually, I am not planning on it at all. I'd like to deliver a week or two before that. 11.24 is the Monday before Thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving!!! This year a lot of family will be in town and I really do not want to miss it or feel like crap that day. We will see...I am just taking it week by week at this point.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Weekly doctor appointment update - 31 weeks
My doctor visit today was pretty uneventful. I am now 2cm. and 70% effaced. Slowly progressing. She was not worried about my status as I am getting further into safe gestational age for birth. My blood pressure was high but I am pretty sure it is from not being able to breathe from the walk into the office. The girls take up so much room now that it is actually hard for me to breathe normally. Since I didn't really gain any weight and I am not swollen (other signs of pre-eclampsia) she was not worried about the blood pressure. So, it is continued bedrest and praying that I can get through a few more weeks. If I can get to 36 weeks, the girls will most likely go home with us. If I only get to 34, it is about a week stay in the NICU for them. 34-36 weeks I am comfortable with but no earlier than that!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Lucas William Burke is here!
That's right folks, Lucas finally arrived. Here are the stats: Born Saturday, October 4 at 3:15pm. He weighed 9lbs. 3 oz. and was as healthy as can be!
Sarah was amazing. She was induced at 3am. Had an epidural around 7am. Started pushing at 1pm. She was doing awesome until they let the epidural wear off. That was a little too much pain and she was having trouble breathing well enough to push. Once the gave her more pain meds she was set to go...but Lucas was not. That stubborn little boy who already made us wait so long to meet him, was not cooperating. The doctor gave my sister two options. One, c-section. Two, try pushing again with the additional help of forceps. Well, with the aid of the forceps a few moments later out came Lucas. He looks just like his daddy, but he does have the same nose my sister, brother and I all do!
Sarah, Lucas and Marty are all doing great - happy, healthy, and tired.
I am thankful that I was there for the birth but I am exhausted. I cannot even imagine how my sister feels. All I know is that I am filled with happiness for the new family and so excited to be an Auntie! Enjoy the pictures!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
October babies?
So, first, an update on my sister. She is now 3 cm. dilated and 90% effaced. The doctor "stripped her membranes" and will induce her labor if she doesn't go on her own Saturday morning at 3am. Why 3am? Who knows....her choice was 3am or 5pm. She went with the earlier, of course.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Due Date
My poor is her due date and still no baby. We are all trying to wait patiently, but it is so hard. Much harder on her I am sure.
Monday, September 22, 2008
No change...
...which is exactly what we wanted. My labor is not progressing and everything is stable for now. The doctor said to keep doing what I am doing - NOTHING! So, as much as it kills me, I will continue to follow my strict bed rest orders.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I went to the doctor yesterday for my normal 28 week check up and ultrasound. Ultrasound was first and went well. The babies are perfect! Baby A is 2lbs. 10 oz. and baby B is 2lbs. 8 oz. They are doing very well! All looks wonderful.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Shower, Updates, Blackout 2008, Bedrest - WARNING....long post!

Friday, September 12, 2008
A new picture of Landen...FINALLY!
Below is a picture of my adorable 2nd cousin, Landen. Too cute! He looks like a porcelain doll! He is now a little over 5 months old. I can't believe it. He's growing so fast! I hope to see him this weekend at my shower.
Monday, September 8, 2008
The countdown to baby...
It is just a matter of time before I am an Auntie...again. I have 2 nieces on Mike's side of the family, but my sister is pregnant with my nephew and is about to give birth in the next couple of weeks! I'm just dying to meet the precious little boy! Meanwhile, this precious little boy is making my sister miserable. I just hope she makes it through my baby shower this weekend!

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Check up
I went to the doctor AGAIN today, feels like I am going ALL the time. Every two weeks is a lot, but necessary to make sure me and the babies stay healthy. Nothing new to report. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions, but the doctor says that is completely normal at this point and it is just my body telling me I am doing to much and to slow down. I wish it was that easy!
Gained 4 more pounds - in 2 weeks!!! It scares me to death, but the doctors are thrilled! Heart beats are good, both are now head down, and moving around a lot! She also checked my cervix for the first time...let me just say, that was a little uncomfortable. The good news is that it is closed, keeping the girls safely in the womb.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
4D Super Ultra Sound
We had our super 4D ultrasound day at the Becoming Mom spa with a gang of family in tow. They were able to show us some great pictures of the kids and it looks like the two already have different noses! Below is the video (approx 30 mins). The quality isn't the best having to put it online, but we can lend you the DVD if you would like. We will also post some still pictures captured during the session.
Direct Link
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
So I failed...
...the one hour glucose test and had to complete the three hour glucose test today. The test checks to see if you have gestational diabetes. Apparently, I am at higher risk for this because I am carrying two babies...something about two placentas doing something...I don't know, I tuned the nurse out because I was freaking out about drinking more of the nasty concoction they give you.
I made it through. They drew my blood at 8am, then I drank the 10 oz. of yuck. At 9:15, 10:15 and 11:15 they drew my blood again. I was worried I would get sick or pass out because I also was not allowed to eat for 12 hours before. Mom came and sat with me so I wasn't too bored. Then we went to Dewey's afterwards and pigged out! It was so good! I had not eaten since 9:00pm the night before so I could have eaten my own hand at that point.
Test results will be back tomorrow. If I have gestational diabetes I have to follow a strict diet and monitor my blood sugar every day. Other than that, I have not educated myself on other ramifications, etc. I am trying to not worry too much about it until I have to because chances are I won't need to at all!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Mexican Jumping Beans!
I loved Mexican jumping beans when I was a kid...well, now I have two in my belly!
These girls are dancing and skipping constantly. I asked Mike the other day if he thought that babies could damage your internal organs from strong movement. He just laughed, but I was serious. Sometimes their movements make me yell, well, not really yell...but definitely make me let out a WHOA!
Feels like the little ladies are strong and that makes me happy...even if they are beating me up a little.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Baby Update!
We had an ultrasound today to check the growth of the babies and they are still right on schedule! Baby A is head down and facing my back. She was not very cooperative so we didn't get a picture of her. She weighs 1lb. 6oz. Baby B was happy to get pictures taken and we even saw her yawn on the screen! It was so adorable. She is head up and is weighing in at 1lb. 5oz.
I have a couple of pictures but they are not very clear so I probably won't post them. August 30th we have our big 4D ultrasound, so I will wait until then to post the pictures and possibly the video from that ultrasound as well! Stay tuned!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sarah's Baby Shower!
A couple weekends ago we had Sarah's baby shower! Not too much longer and her baby boy will be here! She received a TON of stuff! It was so fun to catch up with old friends and family we had not seen in a long time! Here are some pictures of the event....
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Update on the girls!
I went to the doctor today for a normal check-up and everything looks great! The girl's heartbeats were strong and steady. I am measuring at 26 weeks (I am only 23 weeks), so that is only 3 weeks ahead which they say is right on schedule. My blood pressure was slightly high but nothing to worry about.
It's official, I've gained weight! As of my last appointment in July, I had only gained back the weight that I had lost from being so sick. As of today, I've gained 4 lbs. Not too bad for being 6 months pregnant. The doctors are fine with my weight gain because the babies are healthy and gaining weight right on schedule as well.
Next week we have another ultrasound and will continue on a schedule of ultrasounds every 4 weeks for growth scan purposes. I will also begin going to the doctor every 2 weeks for check ups because I am at such high risk for pre-term labor.
Then on top of all that, in 2 weeks I have to do the nasty glucose test. It's only nasty because you have to drink this bottle of orange junk. Hopefully I pass because if I fail....I have to do it AGAIN!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Baby Names Revelation!
We realize everyone is dying to know the girls names! We've had them named for awhile, one since before they were even thought of. It is difficult for us to keep this a secret because we want to refer to them by their names and cannot do so in front of others.
We also did not want to hear everyone's opinions about our name choices. Not to be mean or anything BUT naming a baby...or two, is more difficult than you can imagine. We've thought long and hard about these names and we are very happy with them!
So, here it goes....
The first twin born will be Brooklyn Elizabeth Stuart
The second twin born will be Marley Ryann Stuart (middle name subject to spelling change - stay tuned for a poll to vote!)
Marley is a name we've loved for years. Daddy had a giant poster of Bob Marley in his bedroom in college and we just always thought that would be an awesome little girl's name. Ryann - well, we think it goes nicely with Marley. Mike's initials are MRS and Marley's will be the same! Too cute! The second name was a harder choice. Brooklyn has no special meaning behind it or is just a unique, cute name we love. It does have my middle name built into it though (Lynn), but that has nothing to do with why we chose it. Elizabeth, of course, is after my sister, Sarah Elizabeth - a tradition in my family!
We decided against anything that rhymed, or began with the same letter. We figure they are fraternal and could be as different as night and day. They've shared a womb for 9 months and will continue to share many other things in their lives. At least their names will be their own!
We cannot wait for Brooklyn and Marley to arrive! We only have approximately 13 weeks to go!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Stay tuned for a much anticipated announcement about the twin girls...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Baby Kegger = Huge Success
The first "baby shower" aka Baby Kegger was an amazing event thanks to the hard work and lavish preparations by Amy, Kristy, and Molly. If you weren't invited, don't worry - we probably felt you were far too civilized to attend this debaucherous excuse for a baby shower. There will be a traditional shower in September which will be much more pleasant. We received a load of great gifts from a gang of overly generous friends and family. Thanks to all who attended, planned, or passed out! Click the album cover below to check out some pictures.
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Baby Kegger |
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Well, it took the help of a friend (Kristy!), an experienced mother, to help us but we finally did it! We are all registered for shower gifts at Target. com and You can go to the store or online and look up our names and find out what we are looking for. Thank you in advance because we need all the help we can get!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Beachside wedding in La Jolla for Uncle Patrick and Aunt MK!
Pictures of the event below...
